100 Days of Practice - Week 3


Welcome back to another week in the 100 Days of Practice project! For those who are new to the blog, this project shows a daily behind the scenes look at my practice. Since I double on violin and voice, sometimes you’ll see violin and sometimes voice. The project was originally started by violinist, Hilary Hahn on Instagram.

Week three turned out to be a bit more violin heavy, but I am aiming to make week four a bit more balanced. Usually I try and practice both violin and voice each day, but to keep things a little simpler I only post one instrument at a time.

If you would like to see previous weeks of this project, you can see Week 1 here and Week 2 here. You can also follow me on Instagram to see the videos as they go live each day.

The videos work best if you view them using Safari, or if you have a browser with no Facebook fences or restrictions.