My Creative Loves - Art

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Oh, how I love art! From photography to impressionism, to folk and sculpture and back again. There's not much that doesn't set my heart a fire.

While I love to see art in traditional places, like museums and exhibits, and untraditional places like street corners and pop-up shows - I think my favourite place to see art is in my apartment, and practice space.

Try as I might, I am not a person who thrives when surrounded by minimalist white walls. I love being surrounded by the creative colour of art, it is one of the things that inspires me most.

Over the years, I've moved more times than I can count, and my little collection of art has followed me along the way.

It is the one magical moving box that when unpacked, turns the white walls of an ordinary apartment into a home, filled with life and creativity.

Art by: Willi Baumeister, photo via: @violette_fr -